
Because your customers aren't just looking.

Because your customers aren't just listening.

Olympus camera and MicrocassetteTM recorder customers are interested in more than what they see. Or hear. Whether they take to the wizardry of an IS-10 as much as the L400 recorder they've just picked out, or love their tiny Infinity Stylus Zoom enough to get an S924 recorder for that college-bound son or daughter.

The possibilities are endless.

But one thing's for sure. The more you have to offer, the easier it is to invite a brand-loyal buyer back for more. Or please newcomers who've seen advertising that sells beyond a single camera, recorder or accessory. And since every Olympus comes from the same dependable source, you can respond to customers like never before.

For both sides of the story, call your Olympus Marketing Representative at 1-800-622-6372. Or place your order by calling toll-free 1-800-247-9674 from 9AM to 6 PM EST.


We look. And we listen.

Celebrating our 75th year


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Revised: September 29, 2005